Software/Scripts GitHub Galaxy 2023: your guide to building a more flexible and productive software development cycle


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We’re excited to announce that from March 28-31, we’ll be hosting GitHub Galaxy, our virtual global enterprise event designed to help you supercharge developer productivity and transform your business.

How does developer productivity impact businesses at large? Well, let’s take a quick look at , a communications and information technology provider in Canada. When their team switched to GitHub, they were able to streamline the developer workflow—and save $16.9M in the process.

That’s just one example of how innovative tools and developer-friendly features can create real, lasting change. And GitHub Galaxy is where you can get a glimpse of the latest and greatest tools (like GitHub Copilot) that are enabling devs to work smarter and helping business leaders achieve their goals, too.

Sign up for the event . (Registration is free!). And keep reading below for a sneak peek at some of the sessions and speakers.

What can you expect to learn at GitHub Galaxy?

Each day of GitHub Galaxy will focus on a specific business challenge for growing enterprises, so you can build the schedule that works best for you. The virtual sessions are taking place in three regions across multiple time zones, so you’ll be able to tune into a keynote broadcast, an interview-style fireside chat with a GitHub customer, and an interactive forum session where you can work through questions with other attendees in real time.

The schedule

Kick-off: Global keynote broadcast with GitHub leadership​

March 28, 9:30am PT

Galaxy will kick off with a special keynote broadcast from GitHub leadership. You’ll hear from GitHub CEO, Thomas Dohmke, GitHub Chief Product Officer, Inbal Shani, and other product leaders to learn how GitHub is building an AI-powered, secure, and fully integrated developer experience for businesses, teams, startups, and individuals alike to drive innovation at scale.

and bring your friends—you won’t want to miss it!

Day 1: Flexibility and productivity​

March 29

On Day 1, we’ll be looking at how you can help individuals and teams be more flexible and productive. You’ll come away with an understanding of how to accelerate your high-quality software development and delivery by prioritizing the developer experience (DevX).

Day 1 session highlights​



In the world of “do more with less,” it’s critical that your development tools don’t get in the way. In this panel, we’ll talk with James Zabinski, Senior Director of Developer Tools at EY, and Erika Leon, Tribe Leader of DevSecOps at BCP, to learn how to maximize the efficiency of integrated development environments (IDEs) and tools to write high-quality code.


GitHub’s platform allows developers to collaborate on code using a wide range of tools and integrations that reduce friction in their day to day workflows. With a vast library of open-source code, AI-assisted tools, and more, teams can be confident in how they’re building secure solutions in both their integrated development environments (IDE) and CI/CD pipelines. In this interactive session with Tug Grall, Principal Solutions Engineer at GitHub, we’ll have a conversation about today’s landscape and what GitHub can offer businesses long term.


When you can build as one team, you can deliver a strong, unified vision for your business. But too often, different workflows across tools and teams require context switching, which can break momentum and slow down the entire software development process. In this session, you’ll hear from Michael Yates, Head of Technology at Domain, and Russell Clarke, Engineering Chapter Lead at ANZ, about how you can increase developer happiness and productivity with GitHub Enterprise. They’ll demonstrate how building a next-generation developer workflow can enhance and streamline the development experience by using GitHub Codespaces, GitHub Actions, GitHub Advanced Security, and GitHub Copilot together.

Day 2: Security and reliability​

March 30

On Day 2, you’ll hear from industry experts on how the most successful businesses are optimizing their software development cycles and preventing vulnerabilities by embedding security into the developer workflow. The goal is for you and your teams to leave these sessions with an understanding of how to scale your DevOps quickly using security tools that won’t sacrifice productivity or innovation.

Day 3: Efficiency and collaboration​

March 31

On Day 3, we’ll cover how enterprises can increase efficiency, drive collaboration, and deploy secure and compliant code using enterprise-ready tools. By investing in these tools, you can cut costs, simplify your tech stack, and reduce onboarding time. You’ll also improve the developer experience, and by extension, retention and recruitment. Learn how choosing the right tools can have an outsized impact on your business’ ability to accelerate growth and efficiency.

Stay tuned for blog posts detailing Day 2 and Day 3 highlights coming soon!

Together, we’ll think creatively, experiment with new technologies, and push the boundaries of what’s possible. So what are you waiting for?

Join the next generation of software leaders and today!
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