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  1. Git

    Software/Scripts Unleashing GitHub Codespaces templates to ignite your development

    Ever found yourself struggling to set up a brand-new Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for a project? The overwhelming process of dealing with build errors, dependencies, and configurations can leave you feeling frustrated and short on time. Trust me, I’ve been there, too. As an avid...
  2. Git

    Software/Scripts How to get AI regulation right for open source

    The EU AI Act is set to become the first comprehensive AI regulation and to offer a model for policymakers around the world. But with this promise comes some risk. The Act may regulate upstream open source projects as if they are commercial products or deployed AI systems. This would be...
  3. Git

    Software/Scripts 3 benefits of migrating and consolidating your source code

    In a previous blog on consolidating your toolkit, we shared strategies to help you simplify your tech stack, which ultimately helps developers be more productive. In fact, developers are almost 60% more likely to feel equipped to do their job when they can easily find what they need. But there...
  4. Git

    Software/Scripts How GitHub accelerates development for embedded systems

    We’re living in a world where software and hardware are ubiquitous—even more than you might initially think! When you think of hardware, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Your phone? Your laptop? What about your washing machine or car? Or, one of the many smart home devices very likely...
  5. Git

    Software/Scripts GitHub Galaxy 2023: your guide to building a more flexible and productive software development cycle

    We’re excited to announce that from March 28-31, we’ll be hosting GitHub Galaxy, our virtual global enterprise event designed to help you supercharge developer productivity and transform your business. How does developer productivity impact businesses at large? Well, let’s take a quick look at...
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