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  1. Git

    Software/Scripts How to use GitHub Copilot: Prompts, tips, and use cases

    Generative AI coding tools are transforming the way developers approach daily coding tasks. From documenting our codebases to generating unit tests, these tools are helping to accelerate our workflows. However, just like with any emerging tech, there’s always a learning curve. As a result...
  2. X

    Ques/Help/Req 10 плагинов ChatGPT на каждый день

    Составили подборку из 10 плагинов для ChatGPT Plus, которые помогут вам прокачать вашу продуктивность. 1. Code Interpreter Этот плагин позволяет ChatGPT писать код на Python и работать с файлами кода. Плагин добавляет к нейросети интерпретатор кода, чтобы ChatGPT мог справиться с тем кодом...
  3. Git

    Software/Scripts How GitHub Copilot is getting better at understanding your code

    To make working with GitHub Copilot feel like a meeting of the minds between developers and the pair programmer, GitHub’s machine learning experts have been busy researching, developing, and testing new capabilities—and many are focused on improving the AI pair programmer’s contextual...
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