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  1. Git

    Software/Scripts Unleashing GitHub Codespaces templates to ignite your development

    Ever found yourself struggling to set up a brand-new Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for a project? The overwhelming process of dealing with build errors, dependencies, and configurations can leave you feeling frustrated and short on time. Trust me, I’ve been there, too. As an avid...
  2. Git

    Software/Scripts How to automate your dev environment with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces

    When I started my first role as a software engineer, I remember taking about four days to set up my local development environment. I had so many issues with missing dependencies, incorrect versions, and failed installations. When I finally finished setting up all the tools and software I needed...
  3. Git

    Software/Scripts 10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Codespaces

    Ever feel like you’re coding on a plane mid-flight? When I first learned to code about five years ago, my laptop was painstakingly slow, but I couldn’t afford a better one. That’s why I relied on browser-based IDEs like jsbin.com to run my code. Now fast forward to today, where GitHub...
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