
  1. Git

    Software/Scripts How companies are boosting productivity with generative AI

    Is your company using generative AI yet? While it’s still in its infancy, generative AI coding tools are already changing the way developers and companies build software. Generative AI can boost developer and business productivity by automating tasks, improving communication and collaboration...
  2. X

    Ques/Help/Req Hugging Face и ServiceNow создали StarCoder — бесплатный аналог ИИ-помощника Copilot

    Проект опубликовали на GitHub всего пару дней назад. По сути StarCoder делает то же, что и Copilot — исправляет код, создаёт его по текстовому запросу и переводит с одного языка программирования на другой. GitHub — bigcode-project/starcoder: Home of StarCoder: fine-tuning & inference...
  3. Git

    Software/Scripts Web Summit Rio 2023: Building an app in 18 minutes with GitHub Copilot X

    Missed GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke’s Web Summit Rio 2023 talk? Read his remarks and get caught up on everything GitHub Copilot X. Hello, Rio! I’m Thomas, and I’m a developer. I’ve been looking forward to this for some time, about a year. When I first planned this talk, I wanted to talk about the...
  4. Git

    Software/Scripts How generative AI is changing the way developers work

    During a time when computers were solely used for computation, the engineer, Douglas Engelbart, gave the “mother of all demos,” where he reframed the computer as a collaboration tool capable of solving humanity’s most complex problems. At the start of his demo, he asked audience members how much...
  5. Git

    Software/Scripts GitHub Copilot X: The AI-powered developer experience

    At GitHub, our mission has always been to innovate ahead of the curve and give developers everything they need to be happier and more productive in a world powered by software. When we began experimenting with large language models several years ago, it quickly became clear that generative AI...
  6. Git

    Software/Scripts Responsible AI pair programming with GitHub Copilot

    GitHub Copilot is like something out of a sci-fi movie—an AI pair programmer that seems capable of reading your mind as you code. GitHub Copilot uses OpenAI Codex, trained on billions of lines of public code, to suggest code and even entire functions in real-time in a developer’s integrated...
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