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  1. Git

    Software/Scripts How GitHub reduces costs with upgraded Codespaces

    Over the past few weeks, we’ve rolled out a change to the virtual machines that host GitHub Codespaces to provide all of our users twice the RAM, and approximately 10-30% improved CPU performance after adopting Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)-based hosts. Now that this change has rolled out for all...
  2. Git

    Software/Scripts GitHub Availability Report: May 2023

    In May, we experienced four incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services. This report also sheds light into three April incidents that resulted in degraded performance across GitHub services. April 26 23:11 UTC (lasting 51 minutes) On April 25 at 23:11 UTC, a subset...
  3. Git

    Software/Scripts Revolutionize your open source workflows: the top 3 reasons why GitHub Codespaces is a must-have for maintainers

    Lee este articulo en español Imagínate esto: te sientas en tu escritorio con una taza de café caliente y una relajante lista de reproducción lofi que se reproduce de fondo. Abres ansiosamente tu computadora, listo para comenzar a codificar. Pero para tu consternación, se ve afectado por una...
  4. Git

    Software/Scripts How to automate your dev environment with dev containers and GitHub Codespaces

    When I started my first role as a software engineer, I remember taking about four days to set up my local development environment. I had so many issues with missing dependencies, incorrect versions, and failed installations. When I finally finished setting up all the tools and software I needed...
  5. Git

    Software/Scripts 10 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Codespaces

    Ever feel like you’re coding on a plane mid-flight? When I first learned to code about five years ago, my laptop was painstakingly slow, but I couldn’t afford a better one. That’s why I relied on browser-based IDEs like to run my code. Now fast forward to today, where GitHub...
  6. Git

    Software/Scripts A beginner’s guide to learning to code with GitHub Codespaces

    It doesn’t matter what stage you’re at in your software engineering career, there’s always something new to learn. As a beginner, it’s so easy to spend more time-consuming tutorials on how to code rather than actually putting it into practice. “See one, do one, teach one” is a learning...
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