Французский шансон

Barbara - Femme Piano [1997]


Barbara - Femme Piano [1997]

Femme Piano compile, en 21 chansons, la carrière de la longue dame brune de la chanson française, Monique Serf alias Barbara. Formée à la rude école des cabarets comme ses pairs Brel ou Brassens dont elle assura la première partie à Bobino en 1964, Barbara entretient durant plus de trente ans une relation intime et forte avec un public fasciné auquel elle dédia un de ses titres les plus célèbres, "Ma plus belle histoire d'amour". Lovée derrière son piano ou dans son rocking- chair, la dame en noir met en musique son journal intime, dans un style maniéré et dramatique, qui bouleverse cependant par ses pleins et ses déliés. De "Nantes" à "Göttingen", aucun fait biographique n'échappe à sa voix impudique. Cet exercice cathartique s'éclaire parfois de notes fantaisistes comme la mélodie désuète de "Au bois de Saint-Amand". Chapeau bas, qu'on aime ou non "Fragson". -- Sabrina Silamo
Barbara was a popular French female singer born as Monique Andrée Serf (June 9, 1930 - November 25, 1997) best known under her stage name . Barbara was the title of a famous song in the fifties whose text comes from Prévert.
Monique Serf, born in Paris, France, into a Jewish family, was ten years old when she had to go into hiding during the German occupation of France in World War II. After the war ended, a neighborhood professor of music heard Monique sing and took an interest in helping her develop her talents. She was given vocal lessons and taught to play the piano and eventually she enrolled at the Ecole Supérieure de Musique. However, money was a problem and she gave up her musical studies to sing at "La Fontaine des Quatre Saisons," a then popular cabaret in Paris.
A sensitive girl, she was deeply scarred by the war and her family's plight. Her inner feelings of emptiness showed in her appearance and in her songs. It is reported by Barbara in her interrupted autobiography, "il etait un piano noir", that her father sexually abused her when she was ten. He would leave the family to never return- Barbara would come to his burial in Nantes, which originated one of her most popular songs ("Nantes"), immortalizing that time in her life. A tall person, she dressed in black, accentuating her raven hair, as she sang melancholic songs of lost love. From 1950 to 1952, after running away following her father's desertion of her family, she lived in Brussels, Belgium where she became part of an active artistic community. Her painter and writer friends took over an old house, converting it into workshops and a concert hall with a piano where Monique performed the songs of Édith Piaf, Juliette Gréco and Germaine Montéro. However, her career evolved slowly and she struggled constantly to eke out a living. In October of 1953, she married Claude John Luc Sluys, a Belgian law student but they separated in 1956. Later in life, she wrote about her relationships with men in a song saying: "They walk proudly, my men/ I in the front/ them just behind."
Returning to Paris, she would meet Jacques Brel and become a lifelong friend, singing many of his songs. Later, she met Georges Brassens whose songs she would eventually begin to use in her act and to record her first album. In the 1950s, she obtained singing engagements at some of the smaller clubs but began building a fan base, particularly with the young students from the Latin Quarter. In 1957 she went back to Brussels to make her first record single but it was not until 1961 that she got a real break when she was engaged to perform at the famous Bobino Music-Hall in Montparnasse. Dressed in a long black robe, she gave a haunting performance but the tough Parisian critics were not kind, saying she lacked naturalness and was stiff and formal in her presentation. She continued to perform at small clubs and two years later at the Théâtre des Capucines, she captured the imagination of the audience and critics alike with an astonishingly powerful performance with new material she had penned herself. From that point on, her career blossomed and she signed a major recording contract in 1964 with Philips Records.
Although influenced by songwriters Mireille and Charles Trenet, two of the biggest stars of the day, she nonetheless developed her own style and the writing of her own songs transformed her image into that of a unique singer-song writer. Her intensely poetic lyrics, her dramatic on-stage performances, and the depth of emotion in her voice, all garnered her a huge following that lasted for more than thirty years. In the 1960s she wrote her landmark song, "My most beautiful story of love is you," and others for which she remains famous such as "L'Aigle noir," " Il pleut sur Nantes ," "La Solitude," and "Une Petite Cantate."
She made a triumphant return to Bobino in 1964 and returned to sold out audiences several more times. She performed at the Paris Olympia and all the important venues in France, becoming one of her country's most beloved stars. In 1965, she released the album "Barbara chante Barbara" that became an enormous critical and financial success, winning the Grand Prix du Disque of the Charles Cros Academy. At the award ceremony, an emotional Monique Serf ripped her award into several parts, giving a piece to each of her technicians as a sign of her gratitude. Having achieved fame, Monique Serf began using her money and celebrity to do charitable work in aid of impoverished children.
In 1969, she announced that she would limit her concert singing and in 1970 she made her acting début in the stage play "Madame" that proved to be a commercial flop. In 1971 she co-starred with Jacques Brel in a film he directed titled Franz for which she wrote the theme song. Two years later she starred in L'Oiseau rare directed by Jean-Claude Brialy. Her final film role came in 1977 in Je suis né à Venise directed by the dancer and choreographer Maurice Béjart.
Her career remained extremely active in the 1970s, appearing on television variety shows with stars such as Johnny Hallyday as well as embarking on a tour of Japan, Canada, Belgium, Israel, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Through the 1980s, she continued to tour and to write songs, her album "Seule" was one of France's top grossing releases of 1981. The next year she was awarded the prestigious Grand Prix du Disque in recognition of her contribution to French culture. She developed a close working relationship with rising film star, Gérard Depardieu and his wife Élisabeth, collaborating on songs for film and records. In 1982 she went to New York City to perform on piano at the Metropolitan Opera with Mikhail Baryshnikov in a song and dance ballet presentation. She co-wrote the music for the stage play "Lily Passion" with Luc Plamondon in which she co-starred with Gérard Depardieu.
In the latter part of the 1980s she became an active participant in the fight against AIDS. In 1988 the government of France awarded her the Legion of Honor. By the 1990s, the sixty year-old "Barbara" was a virtual tour de force in the French entertainment world. Health problems impeded her performing and she began to devote time to the writing of her memoirs. However, she recorded another very successful album in 1996 before respiratory problems took her life in Neuilly-sur-Seine, in November of the following year. She was interred near other members of her family in the Cimetière de Bagneux in Montrouge, just south of Paris.
Considered an icon of French musical history, "Barbara" has been honored with her image on a French postage stamp. A number of books have been written about her life and her records still sell in large numbers to this day.
It has been a sad fact that Barbara and her music are almost completely unknown in the English-speaking world, unlike Edith Piaf, arguably the only other comparable great French female singer, who is a household name around the world and has had several UK and American hits. Yet her voice, many would say, is much purer and more musical than the powerful tones of the little sparrow, and her songs far more poignant and melodic - quite a claim considering the marvellous melodies created by Piaf. There is a simple sophistication and clarity about Barbara's singing which draws the listener into a seldom accessed world of delicate, exquisite and uplifting emotion. At her best, her music is sublime. It is probably true to say that Barbara is the last major French talent to remain undiscovered outside the French-speaking world.

2 CDs - mp3 - 320kbs - 295mb

CD 1
01 - Femme Piano
02 - Toi
03 - Mon Enfance
04 - Parce Que (Je T'Aime)
05 - Fragson
06 - Quand Ceux Qui Vont
07 - Au Bois De Saint-Amand
08 - Au Coeur De la Nuit
09 - Vienne
10 - Le Soleil Noir
11 - Les Insomnies
12 - Gottingen
13 - Gottingen (version allemande)
14 - Pierre
15 - A Chaque Fois
16 - Ma Plus Belle Histoire D'Amour
17 - La Solitude
18 - Les Rapaces
19 - Nantes
20 - Perlimpinpin

CD 2
01 - L'Aigle Noir (Dedie A Laurence)
02 - Mr. Victor
03 - L'Indien
04 - Attendez Que Ma Joie Revienne
05 - Joyeux Noel
06 - Le Bel Age
07 - Le Temps des Lilas
08 - Chapeau Bas
09 - Remusat
10 - Du Bout des Levres
11 - Une Petite Cantate
12 - L'Amoureuse
13 - Madame
14 - Drouot
15 - L'Enfant Laboureur
16 - Precy Jardin
17 - Gueule De Nuit
18 - Dis Quand Reviendras-Tu
19 - Marienbad
20 - Le Jour Se Leve Encore

no pw
Enrico Macias - Un berger vient de tomber [2006]


Enrico Macias - Un berger vient de tomber [2006]

Энрико Масиас (настоящее имя Гастон Гренасся) родился 11 декабря 1938 года в г.Константин (Алжир) в семье скрипача местного оркестра Шейха Раймонда, исполнявшего арабо-андалузскую музыку маалуф. В этот оркестр в 1953 году был принят и Гастон.

Во время войны за независимость Гастон и его жена бежали во Францию. Чтобы свести концы с концами, музыкант начал играть на улицах, обивал пороги столичных кабаре, пока не был принят на работу в Drap d'Or, вскоре получив и контракт на запись пластинки для лейбла Pathe Marconi, в 1962 году издавшем «Adieu mon Pays».

Год спустя, взяв псевдоним Энрико Масиас, молодой человек окунулся в водоворот гастрольной жизни, сначала открывая концерты Paola and Billy Bridge и выступая в шоу Compagnons de la Chanson, а позже предприняв большой тур по Франции, Ливану, Греции и Турции. В 1966 году Масиас отправился на гастроли в СССР, выступив в 40 городах , в том числе перед 120 тысячной публикой на московском стадионе «Динамо».

В конце 60х-начале 70х к покоренным им странам добавились Япония, Италия, Испания, Англия, США и Канада. В то время вышло несколько пластинок певца, в том числе и концертных. В 1976 году вышел альбом «Melisa», по итогам продаж ставший «золотым». Песня «Malheur a celui qui blesse un enfant» с этого диска вышла отдельным синглом, доходы от продажи которого певец перечислил в Unicef и позже был удостоен ООН звания «Певец мира» в 1981 году.

На протяжении 80х и 90х Энрико Масиас продолжал записывать пластинки- как альбомы, так и синглы, и выступать с концертами во Франции и за рубежом, в том числе на знаменитом фестивале «Буржская весна в» 1999 году с концертом памяти его наставника Шейха Раймонда.

В 2003 году музыкант записал альбом «Oranges Ameres», спродюсированный его сыном Жан-Клодом Гренасся.

mp3 - 192mb - 45mb

01 - Un berger vient de tomber
02 - La courte echelle
03 - Mon premier amour d’enfance
04 - On a gagne
05 - Jusqu’au bout de la course
06 - L’instituteur
07 - Tous les soleil de l’amitie
08 - A ceux qui m’ont beni
09 - C’est une femme
10 - Je porte plainte contre mon coeur
11 - N’ouble jamais d’ou tu viens
12 - Le pere noel du monde

no pw
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Claude Nougaro - Les Plus Belles Chansons [1998]


Claude Nougaro - Les Plus Belles Chansons [1998]

Клод Нугаро появился на свет в Тулузе, 9 сентября 1929 года, в семье певца и пианистки, с детства прививших мальчику любовь к классической музыке. Позже его вниманием завладел французский шансон и американский джаз.

В 1947 году юноша начал сотрудничать с двумя изданиями в качестве журналиста («Journal des Curistes» в Виши и алжирским журналом «l'Echo d'Alger»), а после службы в армии переехал в Париж. В начале 50х- Клод пишет тексты к песням других исполнителей, с 1955 года начинает выступать и сам- в кабаре «Le Lapin agile», самом сердце богемного Монмартра.

В 1959 году выходит дебютный альбом Нугаро, вслед за релизом которого он отправляется в совместный тур с Далидой.

Над второй пластинкой «Une petite fille» Нугаро работал вместе с пианистом и композитором Мишелем Леграном, изданная в 1962 году, она сразу же нашла своего слушателя и очень хорошо продавалась во Франции. В следующих работах музыканта заметно сильное влияние бразильской музыки и американского джаза, миньоны выходили один за другим, в 1968 году был выпущен и первый концертный альбом «Une soirée avec Claude Nougaro» , записанный во время двухнедельных выступлений в «Олимпии» в мае того же года.

В первой половине 70-х Нугаро активно гастролировал, как сольно, так и с другими артистами, включая туры с бразильскими музыкантами- гитаристом Баденом Пауэллом и певицей Таньей Марией. Тогда же была основана его собственная продюсерская компания Chiffre Neuf . В 1976 году вышел альбом «Femmes et famine», три года спустя - «Assez».

В 80-е певец продолжает много выступать, в том числе с акустическими концертами в небольших залах, записывает пластинки- «Chansons nettes» (81), «Bleu Blanc Blues» (85) , «Nougaro sur scène» (86) и фанк-роковый «Nougayork» (87), работа над которым велась в Нью-Йорке с американскими музыкантами. Диск оказался неожиданно успешным: еще до официального релиза заказы на него сделали 100 тысяч человек.

В следующем году Нугаро получил две «Виктории» - как лучший артист года и за лучший альбом.

И в 90-е гг. Клод Нугаро не знал покоя, продолжая гастролировать с большими группами и акустическим трио, записывать разноплановые альбомы («Une voix Dix doigts» (91), «Chansong» (93), концертный «Hombre et lumiere» (99)).

В 2000 году был издан «Embarquement immédiat», над которым работал аранжировщик Иван Кассар и в котором представлен затейливый микс джаза, кельтской и африканской музыки. После выхода пластинки Нугаро и Кассар с группой музыкантов отправились в турне по Франции, ставшее для ветерана последним, из-за ухудшегося состояния здоровья, он вынужден был прекратить активную гастрольную деятельность и отказаться от многих приглашений.

4 марта 2004 года Клод Нугаро скончался.

mp3 - 128kbs - 60mb

01. Nougayork
02. Toulouse
03. Pacifique
04. Lady Liberty
05. Tu Verras (O Que Sera)
06. Cecile Ma Fille
07. Los Angeles Eldorado
08. Cinema
09. Il Faut Tourner La Page
10. Quatre Boules De Cuir
11. Armstrong
12. Vive L' Alexandrin
13. Une Petite Fille
14. Harlem (Fables Of Faubus)
15. Kine

no pw
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Ссылки не Далиу не рабочие :(
Может есть возможность перезолить?
Dalida – Forever

Dalida – L’an 2005

Eddy Mitchell - Jambalaya [2006]


Eddy Mitchell - Jambalaya [2006]

mp3 - vbr ~200kbs - 90mb

01. Ma Nouvelle-orleans
02. Le Seul Survivant
03. Comme La Planete
04. Ca L'fait
05. Les Caresses
06. On Veut Des Legendes
07. L'arche De Noe Revisitee
08. Paloma Dort
09. L'amour Se Trouve Au Coin D'la Rue
10. Y'a Un Bon Dieu
11. Excusez Votre Honneur
12. Je Ne T'en Veux Pas
13. Elle Est Terrible
14. Jambalaya

Клод Франсуа.
2CD, как я понимаю, greatest hits. Ни одна ссылка не жива ... :(
Перезалить можно ?
Téléphone - Ça c'est vraiment Toi

Téléphone - Ça c'est vraiment Toi

mp3 - 128kbs - 4.2mb

Téléphone - Ça c'est vraiment Toi

Quelque chose en toi
ne tourne pas rond
Un je ne sais quoi
qui me laisse con
Quelque chose en toi
ne tourne pas rond
mais autour de moi
tout tourne si rond

Des balles doum doum
aux roues des bagnoles
Au rythme tchouc tchouc
du train des Batignolles
Au murmure de la ville
au matin des nuits folles
Rien ne t'affole

Et j'aime encore mieux ça
Oui je préfère ça
Oh j'aime encore mieux ça
Car c'est vraiment toi
Et rien d'autre que toi
Non rien d'autre que toi

Quelque chose en toi
ne tourne pas rond
Mais dans tes pattes en rond
moi je fais ron-ron
Quelque chose en toi
ne tourne pas rond
Mais autour de moi
toi tu fais un rond

Et les balles doum doum
aux roues des bagnoles
Et la vie des saints
et leurs auréoles
Le murmure de la ville
et des ses machines molles
Rien ne t'affole

Et j'aime encore mieux ça
Oui je préfère ça
Oh j'aime encore mieux ça
Oui j'aime encore mieux ça

Car ça c'est vraiment toi
Ça se sent, ça se sent
que c'est toi
Et rien d'autre que toi
Non rien d'autre que toi

find lyrics at
Téléphone - Ça c'est vraiment Toi

Téléphone - Ça c'est vraiment Toi

was 2x the same
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Charles Aznavour-Palais Des Congres 1994 (CD1)

1. Hier Encore
2. L'age D'aimer
3. A Ma Maniere
4. Ton Doux Visage
5. Trenetement
6. Inoubliable
7. Je T'aime. A.I.M.E
8. Toi Et Moi
9. Vous Et Tu .
10. Qui
11. Je Bois
12. Non Je N'ai Rien Oublie
13. Emmenez-Moi
14. Mon Emouvant Amour
15. Je M'voyais Deja
битрейт переменный

Dalida. Les grandes chansons (1992)

1. J'attendrai
2. Paroles, paroles
3. Il venait d'avoir 18 ans
4. Rendez-vous chaque soir
5. Je suis malade
6. Gigi l'amoroso
7. Besame mucho
8. Comme disait Mistinguett
9. Les hommes de ma vie
10. Parle plus bas
11. Pour en arriver l?
12. Mourir sur sc?ne
13. La mer
14. Avec le temps
15. Ils ont chang? ma chanson

Dalida. Ballades Et Mots D'amour 2001

1 Paroles, paroles
2 Je m'endors dans tes bras
3 Chaque instant de chaque jour
4 Parle plus bas (Le parrain)
5 Que sont devenues les fleurs
6 Ti amo (Je t'aime)
7 Ton prenom dans mon coeur
8 Pour te dire je t'aime
9 Eux
10 Les nuits sans toi
11 Histoire d'un amour
12 Parlez-moi de lui
13 La mer
14 Quand on n'a que l'amour
15 Il venait d'avoir dix-huit ans
16 Fini, la comedie
17 L'amour et moi
18 La mamma
19 A ma maniere
20 Ciao ciao bambina

Dalida. Dalida Live - Instants D'?motions... 2000

1. Intro "In the stone" (Palais des sports 1980)
2. Je suis toutes les femmes (Palais des sports 1980)
3. Entrez sans frapper (Olympia 1974)
4. Pour ne pas vivre seul (Palais des sports 1980)
5. Le Lambeth Walk (Palais des sports 1980)
6. Que sont devenues les fleurs (Olympia 1974)
7. Avec le temps (Palais des sports 1980)
8. Amoureuse de la vie (Olympia 1977)
9. Il faut danser reggae (Palais des sports 1980)
10. Il venait d'avoir dix-huit ans (Olympia 1974)
11. Je suis malade (Palais des sports 1980)
12. Quand on n'a que l'amour (Palais des sports 1980)
13. Comme disait Mistinguett (Palais des sports 1980)
14. Julien (Olympia 1974)
15. Ciao amore ciao (Olympia 1971)
16. Gigi l'amoroso (Olympia 1977)
17. Mourir sur scene (1983)

Georges Brassens - Polissones


Georges Brassens - Polissones
Theâtre Municipal de Lausanne 1970 (Bootleg)

Georges Brassens - guitar, vocals
Pierre Nicolas - bass

mp3 - 192kbs - 72mb - covers

01 - Le Pluriel
02 - La Non Demande En Marriage
03 - La Fessée
04 - Le 22 Septembre
05 - Les Quat ' Z 'arts
06 - Le Petit Joueur De Fluteau
07 - Le Fantôme
08 - Je Me Suis Fait Tout Petit
09 - Corne D 'aurochs
10 - Les Amours D 'antan
11 - La Mauvaise Réputation
12 - Chanson Pour L' Auvergnat
13 - Le Roi Boiteux
14 - Mysoginie À Part

part 1

part 2
Gilbert Bécaud - The Collection


Gilbert Bécaud - The Collection

mp3 - 192kbs - 68mb - covers

01 - Gilbert Bécaud - Je Reviens Te Chercher.mp3
02 - Gilbert Bécaud - Les Cerisiers Sont Blancs.mp3
03 - Gilbert Bécaud - On Prend Toujours Un Train Pour Quelque Part.mp3
04 - Gilbert Bécaud - Nathalie (live).mp3
05 - Gilbert Bécaud - Quand Il Est Mort Le Poete (live).mp3
06 - Gilbert Bécaud - La Fin D´Un Grand Amour.mp3
07 - Gilbert Bécaud - Monsieur Winter Go Home.mp3
08 - Gilbert Bécaud - Les Créatures De Reves.mp3
09 - Gilbert Bécaud - Mon Grand-Pere Le Militaire.mp3
10 - Gilbert Bécaud - Les Entfants Du Dimanche.mp3
11 - Gilbert Bécaud - Tu M´Reconnais Pas.mp3
12 - Gilbert Bécaud - L´Un D´Entre Eux Inventa La Mort.mp3
13 - Gilbert Bécaud - Moi Je M´En Vais Demain.mp3
14 - Gilbert Bécaud - Et Maintenant (live).mp3

Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot - Bonnie and Clyde [1968]


Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot - Bonnie and Clyde [1968]

Bonnie and Clyde isn't actually a full-fledged collaboration between Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot; during their storied mid-'60s fling the two French cultural icons recorded just a handful of tracks together, only a couple of which appear here. Nevertheless, this is a worthwhile collection. In addition to the pair's "Bonnie and Clyde" and "Comic Strip," this album features earlier Gainsbourg numbers, as well as Bardot recordings of compositions by Gainsbourg and others. The moody title track alone justifies the price of admission. Bardot's vocals inject a wistful melodic dimension into Gainsbourg's sung-spoken account of the ill-fated gangsters, producing one of pop music's great duets. Gainsbourg was enthralled by American pop culture and the cabaret-style "Comic Strip" memorably exemplifies that orientation. His lyrics lure Bardot into his cartoon world and she provides the requisite onomatopoeic interjections ("Shebam! Pow! Blop! Wizz!"). In a similarly American vein, on "Bubble Gum," a Gainsbourg-penned Bardot single, she sings about love and candy over a plinky-plonk saloon piano evoking the silent film era. Elsewhere, Gainsbourg's Hollywood fascination takes a B-Movie turn, the camp "Docteur Jekyll et Monsieur Hyde" suggesting the Monks at the Eurovision Song Contest. There was always more to Gainsbourg's work than his love of Americana, though, and his incorporation of Afro-Caribbean rhythms was especially striking: "Pauvre Lola," for instance, percolates with an infectious beat. Despite much of this material's playful character, listeners also glimpse another side of Gainsbourg. During his career, he sang about Harley motorcycles and incest and composed a song that involved simulated farting, but he was also deeply cultured. In that vein, "Baudelaire" places the 19th century poet's "Le Serpent Qui Danse" in an unlikely tropical lounge setting. Of course, no Gainsbourg collection would be complete without a nod to his dissolute side, and "Intoxicated Man" fits the bill with its appropriately louche, swaggering groove. ~ Wilson Neate, All Music Guide

mp3 - 192kbs - 41mb

01 Bonnie and Clyde (4:19)
02 Bubble Gum (1:48]
03 Comic Strip (2:14)
04 Jour Comme un Autre (2:23)
05 Pauvre Lola (2:24)
06 Eau À la Bouche (2:33)
07 Javanaise (2:31)
08 Madrague (2:36)
09 Intoxicated Man (2:40)
10 Everybody Loves My Baby (2:14)
11 Baudelaire (2:30)
12 Docteur Jekyll et Monsieur Hyde (2:00)

Olivia Ruiz - J'aime pas l'amour [2004]


Olivia Ruiz - J'aime pas l'amour [2004]

mp3 - 256kbs - 89mb

01. Olivia Ruiz - Qui sommes-nous?
02. Olivia Ruiz - Enervé
03. Olivia Ruiz - Petite fable
04. Olivia Ruiz - J'aime pas l'amour
05. Olivia Ruiz - Pas si vieille
06. Olivia Ruiz - Le tango du qui
07. Olivia Ruiz - De l'air
08. Olivia Ruiz - De toi à moi
09. Olivia Ruiz - La dispute
10. Olivia Ruiz - Les vieux amoureux
11. Olivia Ruiz - L'absente
12. Olivia Ruiz - Malaguena

part 1

part 2